Let’s write!

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33 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    taylor said,

    Once apon a time there was a fairy named dasiy.she lived in a tulip.one tulip was the kitchen.one was the bathroom.one brang fresh water to her every day.and one morning she woke up and she flew over the tulip feild.and something was,t right in the midle of the tulip feild was a yellow dasiy.and she said why is that dasiy growing in the midle of the tulip feild?and it kept growing and growing but it couldn,t stop.and when she woke up she couldn,t see the sun because the dasiy was covering the sun up.and the dasiy turned pink like the other tulips.and every day she woke to a pink sun.

  2. 2

    Gavin Jones said,

    1 day i went in the woods. it was creppy then something utat me. i was notout. i was shok a bar utat me it was triying too brtet her cub.

  3. 3

    taylor oosting said,

    Once upon a time there was a large dog named clifford.he lived outside when he
    grew up because he was to big to fit in his apartment.thats why they moved to
    birdwell island.when they got to birdwell island by the big boat they went on a guy on the dock said welcome,.when they were on the dock the dock shook.but
    it was just clifford.they met their neighbors next door their neighbors got a cake for a welcoming treat.emily elizabeths family said how do you do?emily elizabeth
    asked would you like to meet my dog?they call cliffoooRD!they say they do.
    he bounds out of his doghouse.and the cake landed on one of their neighbors head.sploosh the hose tuned on and went in their other neighbors face.swoosh!
    their neighbors say that huge dog will be a huge pest,the pepole started to complan about clifford.then the woods caht unfire clifford had a mouthfull of water and he sprayed the water on the fire and the fire was gone.evereone was friends with clifford now in birdwell island.

  4. 4

    taylor oosting said,

    It was a cold dark night. thier were creepy animals out there.something was creeping up on me then it atact me i escapt from it then i ran all the way to my house.

  5. 5

    Peri said,

    Me and my mom love’s to go plasis to gethr we lak to go to the movie’s to gethr. We lak to go out to eat.We hav fun to gethr!!!!!!!!!!

  6. 6

    Peri VanAken said,

    I am going to go to my frend’s brthday prtey at the boling ale munday,and we got mariah a ds game becus her mom is going to biy her a ds luyt.

  7. 7

    Peri said,

    I wuns went to the pool and I wus runing and I fell. a kucshin and I sed wher am i why am I’m wring this soot were we swimeing.

  8. 8

    Gavin Jones said,

    1 day i wet too spas. a ufo sot my ship. i crash.

  9. 9

    gavin said,

    i have a stre wors lago spa ship. it has a lot of pesis. it has anksc wucr asocu and R2d2. it has a thing on the botum of the ship that max it be abl too shoot a fre.

  10. 10

    Elizabeth said,

    Wons thar wus a mostr.His name wus for for.he dit like pepls .He wus nevre nevre nevre hapey.he had a olfo I deyo it wus I wod pot a snesen in the food that nite he did it evre wone nevr tot ogen. then he got a nethr i deyo then he hade a nothr i deyo it wus ten yers ladr he dide

  11. 11

    Emersyn said,

    Wuns there was a fary. She lived in a flower house. And she had a pet named sizel.He was very funny.And the farys name is teareu. And she was pink all over. And peaple like her like that. And she was talking to her frends.And she said she cant wate for the qween named cristel. She was the leader of the hole world. And the qween said she has a little frend for sizel. Her name is snow flake. They playd together and forever. And they took beraks for a little. And they hug a lot. They never want to gether a lot. They never want to leave a chuther. Cus teareus frend dimend said that they cant sleep to gether.

  12. 12

    Emersyn said,

    Once a pone a time there was a dog. the dog was not adopted. The dog is really sad. He allmost got adopted. THEN HE GOT ADOPTED.

  13. 13

    Peri VanAken said,

    Wus I went to the pool but I was runing on the sment so the lif grde was going to say stop but I fell and then I got a kushin and I kept saing wir are we wir are we the holl time my mom was jriving to the hostbroll.

  14. 14

    peri said,

    I love the blog it is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much it is fun fun fun as can be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. 15

    Jaidyn said,

    once thar was a prisas her neme was morgan she livd in a vare toll cestll her evll stap sistes and her step mutter wudint lant morgan go to the booll she was stuc home clening thny she snuc otn of the hows it was mtnigt and she lost a glas sliper and she got howme safle and thay mared and thay lvd haple aver afdr the and.

  16. 16

    peri said,

    Hay I miss you.If you look I will say.That I hop you have a grat day.I hop you have a grat day with your noo stoois.Love you.Byby

  17. 17

    tori said,

    I love the blog soooooooooooooooo much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. 18

    Hannah said,

    teeth are cool I like teeth arnt they cool I hope you have a loose tooth.

  19. 19

    noah said,

    Ithafal for the scool my famalE and avrewan else for ants and uncels

  20. 20

    Noah said,

    I want to help fill buckits cuz it,s nice and i am helping the world. I am a good boy.

  21. 21

    Anonymous said,

    Hi im peri im from mrs jonstons class now im in 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. 22

    karina said,

    mis johnston yr the best tethr and

  23. 23

    Karina said,

    I love my techr becus she/s Nics.

  24. 24

    Luci said,

    We had dnr. I made grild ches. My dad made the soup it was gud.

  25. 25

    Peyton said,

    I made a braslit at home

  26. 26

    mackenzie said,

    i lik wen we med the chikin

  27. 27

    Corcoran said,

    i love mom love dad i love nat ilove my tech nrrr

  28. 28

    paige said,

    i got an amarykin grll doll

  29. 29

    Makenzie Vergouwe said,

    I liked my techer.

  30. 30

    kristian said,


  31. 31

    maya . said,

    hi miss jontin

  32. 32

    kellyjohnston said,

    Hi, Maya! I hope you’re having a fun evening!

  33. 33

    Elijah said,

    Friday we read a book called “ten on the sled.”

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