What do you hope Santa brings you for Christmas?

Image result for santa with bag

23 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Liam said,

    i wunt poce mon and biabias i wunt bffs.

  2. 2

    Katie said,

    I hop santa brings me a hachamal and tresr x and a unucolnfingrling.

  3. 3

    Brian said,

    I wd wot fr cismis a dog a peruf seshrs and uow uv moeo krt.

  4. 4

    Lia. said,

    i wont for crismis is a lol doll and a umarukin gril doll and a nukrakr .

  5. 5

    Hannah said,

    I hope santa brings me a toy reindeer and a show pony and a stamp

  6. 6

    Cydney said,

    i wood wont biabias and a foot ball with a packers loge and a moreo frigren.

  7. 7

    Elijah said,

    I wat a Dinsor for crismmis and a toy and a line.

  8. 8

    Lincoln said,

    i hope for a draedl .a jack in the bock. and giet.

  9. 9

    Mason said,

    I hope santa elfs can make 50 milon dolurs and a pc that is $10000
    and a blue and yellow mouse.

  10. 10

    Sophia m. said,

    i woud like if santa brot me a dog and a pony. and a amarukingrl dall.

  11. 11

    Reid. said,

    i hop sata brings me a hachuml and a pniknepop and god.

  12. 12

    Parker said,

    I wont for chrismas is my bro robot.slim.a teluscop.

  13. 13

    Lily said,

    I hope santa giv me hachtmls
    and legos and 2 fagrlags.

  14. 14

    Noir. said,

    what i wunt santa to bring is a unucorn and a lol and a book.

  15. 15

    Mekhi said,

    i wat an aatmet krim toy for crismmis .and a derte bike and a
    sckat boord .

  16. 16

    Sophia P. said,

    I Wont for Chrismis Hleo Box of lols and A umakin gil doll and a brbe drem hors and a fack hores.

  17. 17

    Toby. said,

    I wud lic a rino and i wil lic a cat and i wil lic a buthr.

  18. 18

    Avalyn said,


  19. 19

    Alaya said,

    i wot a robo pupy plees and a robo kitten and a big baby set.

  20. 20

    Eldin said,

    i hope for a dradr . a yo yo . and a box ing ring .

  21. 21

    Cohen said,

    i whot santa to breinge me a scootr bike skatbord.

  22. 22

    Tyler said,

    i hop i get a raschrak with a car and anrth and a godin frety toy.

  23. 23

    Elijah said,

    I hop i get 100 boxtops .

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