Who should help pull Santa’s sleigh this year?

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24 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Mason said,

    santa shud have Birds to pull his slay becuse they can fly.

  2. 2

    Hannah. said,

    santa shood use a cat becease they are fast.

  3. 3

    Katie. said,

    I thik santa shood yoos birds becus thay can fly.

  4. 4

    Kaelee said,

    santu shud yoous .a elfint beekuz thea r hevee,

  5. 5

    Lia said,

    satua shud yoos a brdey he shud yoos a brdey becus it flos .

  6. 6

    Noir said,

    santu shub use brdes beces thay can flie.

  7. 7

    ZIA said,

    I Think santa shood yoos a huscy becus they are snow dogs.

  8. 8

    Sophia m. said,

    i thingk santa shud use a hors bcues they are shtong.

  9. 9

    Alaya said,

    santu shood uoos a kitten becus they can run fast.

  10. 10

    Reid. said,

    A elfit kud pol hiis sla bkeus its strog.

  11. 11

    Lily said,

    sant shuod yoos flumegos becus flmegos can fly.

  12. 12

    Brian. said,

    satu sh ud yos a dog Bcus da can run.

  13. 13

    Lincoln said,

    stnta shood yoos deer cus they run rely fast.

  14. 14

    Parker said,

    santa shod yoos a dog cus they can run.

  15. 15

    Sophia p. said,

    I Think Sente SHud Uose A Brod Bekus it Can Fliy.

  16. 16

    Mekhi said,

    i think sente shud uose a poleber bekus it is strong .

  17. 17

    Liam said,

    i sants sudd uyus a hors becus it is srunn.

  18. 18

    Elijah said,

    santa shud yoos a dog becaese dogs fast .

  19. 19

    Cohen said,

    santa shud use Birds becuse thay can fly.

  20. 20

    Toby said,

    situ shud pol the sled with a egol becuz sum egol are big.

  21. 21

    Cydney said,

    santa shood yse a dog becaes dogs run fasgt .

  22. 22

    Eldin . said,

    satu shud yoos a haok bekus thua are grat spirs.

  23. 23

    Avalyn said,


  24. 24

    Elijah said,

    i think santa shud let birds pul your sled becus they can flie .

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