Archive for August, 2018

East Oakview First Grade Open House

I look forward to meeting your child at the open house on Wednesday, August 22 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.  See you then!

Image result for monkey shaking hands with monkey

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School Supplies 2018-2019

Please send the following supplies for your child:
 Pencil box (hard plastic kind)
 Crayons
 Pencils with erasers (not mechanical pencils)
 Glue sticks
 Children’s scissors
 Two 2-pocket folders (The heavier, glossier material tends to hold up
well. This will be your child’s nightly folder and their “book-box” folder so they can have a fun design if they please.)
 Markers (optional)
 $5 cash for your child’s school t-shirt (please put in envelope marked with their name)

Possible Donations for the Classroom:
 Playdough
 Classroom snacks (ex: box of crackers)
 Kleenex
 Legos (basic starter kits)
 Dry Erase Markers
 Sanitizing Wipes
 Brown or white paper lunch bags
 Activity/Coloring Books
 Board Games
 Gallon Ziploc Bags

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