We have been learning about informational writing! Tell me about an animal!

18 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Mrs. Johnston said,

    A monkey is an animal. Monkeys usually have long tails which they use to swing through trees. They usually live in the rain forest. They are covered with fur. A monkey is a mammal.

  2. 2

    Mackenzie said,

    a tigr is a anml . a tigr has stros. a tigr has orange. a tigr has eies.

  3. 3

    ty said,

    a laon is maml lons et met. lons run rie fast. lons chas odr lons. lons are a maml.

  4. 4

    Makenna said,

    A cheeda is a animal cheedas eat meat but they dot eat people and they have fur and they have shorp clos a cheeda is a mamml.

  5. 5

    Peyton said,

    A bird is a animal.Birds eat worms and fruit.And have fethers.Birds are a difrit kind of animal.

  6. 6

    tucker said,

    tigers are stripte and run fast and have orange and black strptes. i like tigers.

  7. 7

    luci said,

    i like muknes they are brown muknes swing muknes live in the zoo monkey are mamols

  8. 8

    John said,

    pagwns are black and white pagwns beks are orange and sha widol

  9. 9

    danny said,

    a munce is a maml a muke ets bunanus muces is brown.l

  10. 10

    Jake said,


  11. 11

    antaun said,

    a monkey is a anmul. a monkey has eaeys a monkey has urms. a monkey has lags. a monkey is an anmul.

  12. 12

    Brianna said,

    a zebra is a anamal it has astr ipsit has a body it has legs its a mamil.

  13. 13

    Lily said,

    a guinea pig is a animal. they eat green peppers and grapes. they need fresh water. and you need to play with it or it will be mean.you can have a guinea pig as a pet or some guinea pigs are wild.if you give a guinea pig a food that they cant eat it will get sick and die. a guinea pig needs hay. be careful a dog or a cat will eat it. they popcorn. a guinea pig is a rodent like a rat or a hamster.guinea pigs like to tunle do not let your guinea pig go behind your couch it is hard to get it in its cage. a guinea pig is a mammel.

  14. 14

    diana said,

    a dog is a animal. it eat dog food. and dogs woks whith you.and a dog boks too a dog and chasl cats. and has biack and white. and run whith you. it liks you.and have a lesh. it is a animal.

  15. 15

    paige said,

    a cat is a anamal. It eyts cat food.It has kitins.it neds love;A cat is a mamml.

  16. 16

    Kathy Maas said,

    You are very smart first graders! I enjoyed reading about your animal friends.

  17. 17

    tyler said,

    a dog is an amol. they dig hols. they chas cats.they pla.

  18. 18

    maya said,

    a ginepig is a maml . gienepig is a caje pet. it drecks wodr .a ginepig can eat grass .a ginepig is a anaml.

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