Brrr! Winter is here! What winter activities do you enjoy?

20 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Mrs. Johnston said,

    I love to watch the snowflakes fall! Once we get enough snow, I love to snowshoe through the woods. I also enjoy ice skating downtown. At least once a year, I still go sledding!

  2. 2

    Madyson said,

    I like to go slading .and mak a snoman wath my frads. and jrek hot

  3. 3

    Gabe said,

    My favrit thing to do in winter is make a snow fort and make a snow man and have a snowball fight.

  4. 4

    Amelia said,

    I love bilding a snowman and dricking hotchoolit and piaying in the snow.

  5. 5

    Kadance said,

    My fafrit tiging to do in the witra is bac caces and sleting down hils I love snowmen.

  6. 6

    Zac said,

    I like to slid with my dad . and haev a snoboo fit with my kosis and aftr i go into my hom to dring hot koko.

  7. 7

    Kailyn said,

    I wint isating with my female and I am going sleding tomorow and I
    have a snow boll fit.

  8. 8

    Holly said,

    I like to play in the snow and do snow bos fut and to do hot coco.

  9. 9

    Isela said,

    I love to ices cat. It is fun and I love too sled and I love too bild a sno men.

  10. 10

    Makenzie. said,

    My favrit thing to do in the wintr is to go sleding and to wosh the snowflak fall and to jrik hot choklit in steming cups.

  11. 11

    Abigail. said,

    I love to watch the snowflakes fall! and go sleding and
    have snowballs fight. and bild a snowman.

  12. 12

    Emily said,


  13. 13

    Nathan said,

    I like to go tubing.and makeing snow men. I have not yet made one but I wont to.I love to go sleding!

  14. 14

    Kennedy, said,

    I like to have snowball fights and go ice skating and go sledding.

  15. 15

    Karina said,

    I like To Sled With MY Nekst Or Nabr his Hil Is Fast AND I Like TO Ise SKAT AND jrik HOT CHOKLIT.

  16. 16

    Lily said,

    In wintre i like to drink hot coco and have a snow boll fhgit and throw a snow boll at myself.

  17. 17

    Eimy said,

    I MAKI A SON AGL VAN A SNO MAN. I like to drek hot chokilit,

  18. 18

    ,Jason said,


  19. 19

    Charles said,

    I PLay in the the snow. I like to sled. Afdr I sled i jing hotcoco.

  20. 20

    Jade said,

    I like bilding snowmen beks. i dras tham like pepl .waring skrfs and gluvs.i like to slad.i like ics scading.

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