Monday, February 8

we did centers.  and writing. Kayli

3 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Mrs. Maas said,

    What did you write about, Kayli? I wrote lots of things on Monday, too.

  2. 2

    taylor oosting said,

    I love to do centers.I like to go to compeuters because i like to play that game when if you get the number right you get a gumball and if you get the gumball machine full you get a penny and all of the gumballs fall out.I also like to go to center 3 because you get to listen to a story and fill out a shet of paper about the story.

  3. 3

    taylor oosting said,

    I like writing because i like to write about stuff.And i like centers they are fun.

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