Would you like to be an Emperor Penguin?

24 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Mr. Johnston said,

    I think it would be fun to be an Emperor Penguin for a day or two and swim around and have fun on the big glaciers but I would not want to be one forever. I would get too cold I think.

  2. 2

    Mrs. Johnston said,

    I would like to be an Emperor Penguin because I think it would be fun to slide on my belly and dive into the ocean!

  3. 3

    Joey said,

    I whont to be a pegwen cus they slid on ther stumix. I wish a pegwin was my fred.

  4. 4

    Lorna said,

    I do wont to be a emperor penguin bkus i think that emperor pengwints are prity. thy are powerfl and smart.

  5. 5

    Kayli said,

    I cinduve wontoo be a E mperor pengcun. cus i git to slid on my Beley.and i dont like this. thay ett a octpus and spit that in the babes mooth. yuk.

  6. 6

    sky said,

    I wod Slid as a pengn. I wod et Fich.

  7. 7

    Justin said,

    NO I would asploosly not like to be a emperor penguin . Becus I have to stand in the clod for the hull winter .

  8. 8

    Brianna said,

    I wud not wont to be a eper pegwin It is riley fresing.

  9. 9

    Peri said,

    I wrd wont to be a emperor penguin cus you crd slide on your stumick. You crd ate fich…But I wrd stirl thick it is crld,and they so powfol, and they are crl to lick at win you git to go to the zoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. 10

    Benon said,

    i wot to be a emperor penguin bcas i.
    wont to sloiyd on my bele .bcas i wont to et fish.

  11. 11

    Maddie said,

    No!I dot…I sade no.caz I dot wot to freez in that place.And fish yuk.And so so so so
    cold.That;s that.One more thing NO NO NO.

  12. 12

    Jorge said,

    I dot wont to. be a emperor penguin. siles will cash me wals to. it,s very cold. i will not go 3 muns with out food!.

  13. 13

    Taylor said,

    I would want to be a emperor penguin because I would slide on the snow.I would like to go swiming too!I would take turns takeing care of my babys.my babys would be cute relly relly cute.I would eat lots of food under water.I would have lots of fun being a female emperor penguin I think.

  14. 14

    Jayt. said,

    I do not wont to be a emperor penguin kus I do not wont to . et fish.

  15. 15

    Elizabeth said,

    I wot not be a Emperor penguin. be cos i can play with my frend taylor.Is fun.i Like it a lot .Is fun a lot. Il like playeg with hre.i like it a lot.Is it a grat is it fun.

  16. 16

    Lilly said,

    Yes i wold love to be a emperorpenguin.it wold be nice to be nice and cozy in anartica.i do like fish alote so it wold be nice.

  17. 17

    Gavin said,

    i wood be emperor penguin oney for 1 or 2 das becus i wood probey diy wiut food. i wood like to slid on my bleley. i wood have fun. i wood not have fun if i wood haf to bey in the coid.

  18. 18

    Trey said,

    I whont to be a emperor penguin becuse I can slod on my stumik. I dot whont to
    be a emperor penguin becuse I cant eat for tow munts.

  19. 19

    Emersyn said,

    Yes i want to be a emperor penguin.I wud be one becus they slid on there stumics.I, m so sad for the dad,s be cus the egg stas under it, s stumic and it can not eat enething that,s wi i wonu be a femal.And i wud wonu be a baby penguin.The femal one,s swim in the water to eat fish.And there wodling is so cute.

  20. 20

    Jaidyn said,

    yes i wont to be a emperor penguin be cus I can slid on my baly and div in the weter and eat lots of food and I can git worm by hdling and by staing by ech oher penguin.the baby,s are so cut and coll.

  21. 21

    Autumn said,

    Yes i wod like to be a emperor penguin be chas they sid on eir beles.

  22. 22

    Mrs. Maas said,

    I would like to be an emperor penguin because they like to snuggle to keep warm!

  23. 23

    taylor oosting said,

    I would,t like to be a emperor female penguin because i would,t want to go home and see that the the baby penguin did,t make it. i would,t want to get eaten by a sealion or walk along time.

  24. 24

    Dawn VanAken said,

    I would only want to be a warm weather penguin!

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