We are learning about mammals!

What is your favorite mammal and why?

27 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Mrs. Johnston said,

    My favorite mammal is a monkey. I love to watch them swing through the trees and hang by their tails. One time, I even got to see wild spider monkeys in the rainforest in Costa Rica!

  2. 2

    maddie said,

    cat iv seen a cat at my hows his name is tom tom. we got him bi dads car.

  3. 3

    Lilly said,

    I like dolfins cus they are butufle I Love how they dive and they eat fish for brekthist lunch dinner .

  4. 4

    peri said,

    My favite amlol is a muke be cus thay hainge up side dorn form them til and thay liv in a Zoo and We can go see them in the sumr and spring.

  5. 5

    kayli said,

    i like chedus kus thay run fast thay run fastr then a anml thay are cool. i kant run past it. go chedus. i like cedus.

  6. 6

    jorge said,

    I like dog .

  7. 7

    gavin said,

    dog and cool mamls becus thar fool uv har i luk tham kool dogs dog and osum dog i luk dog.

  8. 8

    ALIJANNA said,


  9. 9

    jaidyn said,

    i love dogs cus tay are fune win tye do tixes ilove seing my dog doing tix i love gifing the tes to my dog.

  10. 10

    taylor said,

    i like dogs becase thay are nice to peple thay can have babeis thay eat dog food.

  11. 11

    Autumn said,

    I like dog bcas they are cot bcas they look spechl.

  12. 12

    lorna said,

    my favrit mamll iss a bat thay are hrmlis and cioot and swet and asum.

  13. 13

    benon said,

    chedu by cus it is fast.. it hs spos and it has chup teeth

  14. 14

    elizabeth said,

    i like moges thea can sweg and thea can clim moges can woc tow.

  15. 15

    jt said,

    my favavet is a tugr bekus i love it.

  16. 16

    joey said,

    my fafi maml is a wal cas they et litl fich and they are col. wals rul.

  17. 17

    trey said,

    my favit mamml is a loyin and i no that they have lo uv babes and they cum ot uv thar tume.

  18. 18

    Emersyn said,

    my favrit anmul is a munkey.i like them be kus my techer likes them.

  19. 19

    Brianna said,

    my fafrit anmul is a cat a cat run fast

  20. 20

    Mrs. Maas said,

    My favorite mammal is a giraffe with a very long neck! I loved all of your answers, too. You are learning fun things in 1st grade!

  21. 21

    Kara said,

    My favorite mammal is a dog. My dogs are very smart and run fast. They know how to jump over jumps and go through tunnels when they go to agility class.

  22. 22


    My favorite mammal is the Duck Billed Platypus. I like this mammal because it looks like a beaver with a duck’s bill. My own children even gave me a stuffed animal Platypus. I am glad you are learning about mammals and learning how to blog.


    Dr. Paskewicz

  23. 23

    Kim said,

    My favorite mammal is a human because I love spending time with my cute baby boy Rowan! We enjoyed meeting you during our visit to your class!

  24. 24

    Mrs. Oosting said,

    I had fun reading all your comments! My favorite mammal is a giraffe. They have
    long necks and I love the colorful patches on their body. And their babies are so cute!

  25. 25

    Mrs. Anna Jones said,

    My favorite mammal is a polar bear. They are so cute, and they are great swimmers and like to play in the snow.

  26. 26

    Trey said,

    My favrit mammal is a cat. I donot no why my favrit mammal is a cat cus
    thay have hair or fur and thay sleep with you.

  27. 27

    Taylor said,

    My favorite mammal is a monkey because they can swing on vines. Their favorite food is a banana.they have fur to keep them warm . they live in the jungle . they have long tails .

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