Families are made up of people you love! What do you like to do with your family?

21 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Mrs. Johnston said,

    I like to travel with my family! We like to hike in the mountains and have lots of laughs!

  2. 2

    matthewm said,

    I like to have bomfires with my famley.And make smorse that have a lot of cholate on them.

  3. 3

    max said,

    I like to go drt biking with my familie .
    it is so fun .
    after I get some ice creem.
    in then I go houm.
    i lay down my with me and my brother

  4. 4

    lyneese said,

    I,m glad you ascked. I love my family.

  5. 5

    nicole said,


  6. 6

    coby said,

    I go bolling with my family. it is fun with my mom my dad.

  7. 7

    cora said,

    My famley likes to play games together. It is very fun.sume time I win or my mom
    or my dad or my sister Abby.We play lots of games too!

  8. 8

    kiley said,

    I like to go to traver city with my familey last time we ate
    smore’s. what do you like to do with your family.????????????????????

  9. 9

    cody said,

    Go to berger king and mcdonieds and chuceesis to.it
    is fun all fun.

  10. 10

    Donovan said,

    I Like to go to the stor with my mom.

  11. 11

    jada said,

    Shopping at the mall!!!! With my mom and my nana and my dad and my dog!!!

  12. 12

    Rachel said,

    I like to go on a bike ride with my sister.I like to go to the park with my little sister.I like to cudel with my Mom.i like to play soccer with my Dad.And what i like the best is being with my famliey. What about you?

  13. 13

    Matthew H said,

    To do the dishs . Becuce I wont to get sitikers .

  14. 14

    michael said,

    I like to go shoping with my mom.I like to go to pizza hut with my dad.I like to go dirte bikeing with my bother.I like to go to my friends house.

  15. 15

    Audrey said,

    I went to the john ball park zoo.We got to see a lot of
    animils.My dad and my mom and mysister.

  16. 16

    Mackenzie said,

    I like to go on a bike rid with my family. win we git home we have a cookote.

  17. 17

    bailey said,

    I like to play with my famlly.
    And to tack wacs with my famlly.
    I like to reed with my famlly.
    Me and mom and dad
    and my sistrs.
    We love eth athr.

  18. 18

    ashley said,

    I like to go on a bike ride with my sister and my brouthr to the dan lake to see the cool houses becues they are cool and when we get home then my brouthr plays baski ball.

  19. 19

    joe said,

    We like to go on vkashin .

  20. 20

    courtney said,

    I like to go on my bike with my family to the school .I go on the swings with my dad he pushs me.Even he does a underdog .

  21. 21

    Kishi said,

    I like to go to the park with my family. And play on the

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